Learning Differences

“Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.”

~ Gargi Balve

By understanding Learning Differences the teacher shows they have an understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. The importance of this standard is so educators understand that students’ are separate individuals that will need to create instruction that supports the individual and unique needs for all students inside the classroom. The best ways to demonstrate understanding of Learning Differences is to take part in IEP/504 Plans, performing pretest for each instructional unit, and the ability to modify an assignment for students individual needs.

Artifact #1:  IEP/504 Plans

I show my understanding of Learning Differences by taking part in IEP or 504 meetings and following IEP and 504 plans. By showing understanding that students have different needs to have a successful day in the classroom and receive the proper accommodations as well. This also instills working with the Special Education Teacher, any Instructional Assistants that work with students in the classroom, and any other school staff that works with students in the classroom.


Artifact 2#:  Pretests

I also show understanding of Learning Differences by conducting pre-tests before beginning lessons on a new unit. By doing performing pretests, I can gather information on what the students understand, are confused by, and what students want to know about the content in the upcoming unit. Pretests give me the understanding of my students content knowledge so I can expand on instruction during a unit. When I have the second grade students a pretest on Matter, I was able to observe that the students content knowledge had a wide range of understanding about Matter. I was also able to pinpoint which students to check in on more throughout the different objectives through the unit.

Artifact #3:  Modifying Work/Accommodations

Understanding that each student is unique and learn the classroom is full of learning differences, I can do different techniques to ensure each student is engaged and their content knowledge is growing. By modifying work or giving students accommodations I am ensuring that very student is getting essential knowledge from instruction. Often times this is done with students who have an IEP or 504 Plan. Common accommodations and modifications that I do with my students are by eliminating an answer on a multiple choice test and by read aloud with tests. I also modified a game I created for a Within Word guided reading group for a student who is a Lettername learner. The student was excited and happy to be playing the same game as their peers and playing the game also exposed him to what the Within Word students were doing. Pictured is the game I created for long -a- vowel patterns. I modified this game for the student to decide if the word on the game board was a long or short -a- sound and had to read the word himself and rewrite he word. He did an amazing job and asks to play the game every day.