Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

If you set a good example, you need not worry about setting rules.”

~Lee Iacocca

As public servants to the community, teachers must exercise proper Professional and Ethical practices at all times. This standard states that teachers keep up to date on learning practices so we are using the best practices to meet all the needs of our students. As we expect our students to learn and grow and change with the instruction given, we as teachers need to do the same so we can give the best to our students. By being up to date with best practices, teachers can ensure that students are getting the best instruction and being kept safe at the same time. I feel the best Professional Learning and Ethical Practices strategies are  engaging in professional development, joining professional organizations, and keeping certified and up to date on techniques needed to keep a safe classroom.

Artifact 1:  Professional Development

Professional Development is  important so teachers can keep up to date on the best practices for teaching students and to renew teaching licensure. There are many ways to meet the professional development  credits needed with opportunities given by administration with in-school training given during faculty meetings or out of school such as taking a class through a university or going to conference where speakers present on the up to date items on student diversity and classroom inclusion. While completing professional development we are also demonstrating being lifelong learners and promoting continuing educational learning for students along with the ideology that learning is fun!

Artifact 2:  Professional Organizations

Joining professional organizations is another way I exhibit my understanding to the standard of Professional Learning and Ethical practices. I was inducted into Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society for Educators, joined the National Education Association, and joined the National Science Teaching Association. These three professional organizations each provide members with ways to communicate with other members  across the nation and some internationally with webinars and forums where best practices can be discussed and informed across a wider range. This helps teachers to practice what we teach students to do by collaborating and expanding their ideas and thoughts with their peers.

Artifact 3: Certifications

Another way I demonstrate understanding of the Professional Learning and Ethical Practices standard is by keeping my  certificates up to date. Keeping my CPR certification up to date is safe for my classroom so that in an emergency situation I will know what to do and be updated on the proper ways to perform a lifesaving technique. This also helps to keep my coworkers safe in the case of an emergency as well. Completing the dyslexia modular helps to keep me up to date on how to identify when a student may be struggling with dyslexia and the protocol on what to do when I see certain struggles with a student when reading.